First, right-click on the link below and select "Save Target As..." (for Microsoft Internet Explorer) to download a small zip file & save it onto your PC.

Outlook Luach 2006-10 (London)

[If you are not using Microsoft Internet Explorer you may have to do something slightly different to download the file.] This zip contains data files (sidrot, times of shabbat, chagim etc) for each year from 2006 to 2010.

It also contains a special application "LuachHelper.exe" which you can use to remove Luach entries from Outlook. BE CAREFUL WHEN USING THIS because obviously you don't want to risk deleting loads of your essential stuff from Outlook.

Make sure you read this bit
I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you open the file with Excel and examine what is in it. This is because ONCE YOU IMPORT THE DATA INTO OUTLOOK, YOU CAN'T GO BACK except by using the LuachHelper program which you might find tricky.

So open the text file in Excel and if there are any items in the file that you don't want imported into Outlook, simply delete the row. When you are happy with the file, save it.

Instructions for importing into Outlook
In Outlook, click File->Import and Export->Import from another program or file->Tab separated values (Windows)
... then make sure that the name of the downloaded (and edited) file is in the "File to import" box, then click Next"
... then select "Calendar" as the destination folder, then click "Next"
... then click "Finish"